Master Business Designing Multan

 Master Business Card Designing Company Multan.

 Master Business Card Design 

So you have the practical skills covered, in the rest of this post I will talk a little more about the design process, what material to include and show you some examples of great designs.


Master Business Designing Multan

What Information is Important

If your business card is looking smooth and makes a great first impression but does not make it fantastic easy for potential employers or clients to contact you then really it's still not useful.

It's essential that your contact information is
obviously displayed, easy to read & up-to-date.

It's up to you what you agree to priorities however I would absolutely always include the information below.

I have listed them in order of importance which always consider, what information should someone see first off all the way to the last thing they should read: 

·         Name 

·         Job title/role 

·         Email address 

·         At least one phone number  

·         Website (either yours or your companies)

You can also add other information if you feel it is essential like where to reach you on social media.

However only contain these if they are professional accounts and it doesn't feel like over-kill.

Design Tips

Here's 5 top tips to keep in mind whilst designing business cards: 

·        Don't over complicate it. You don't need to use lots of visual assets. Leave empty space so that the information you do include is easy to see, stands out and cannot get overlooked.

·        Include a logo. This is essential for any business or established designer. But even if you're just starting out having a simple but professional looking logo really helps bring the design together. Your logo should also help to tie together your work and be contained on your website and any other marketing material.

·        Don't go silly with color. Even if you love color and your brand uses loads of colors, you don't need to use them all. Select a few which match each other, your logo and the typeface you are using. Using loads of bright color not only makes a design feel very cramped but will also probably cost more to print. Plus there is a higher risk of a color not printing properly.

·        Choose a font that's easy to read. Don't go for anything ornate and typically avoid scripts. They are both tricky to read and better used for titles. A San-Serif is probably your safest bet but there are loads of great Serifs that are easy to read out there.

·        You can still be playful. All of the sensible stuff been said it's still good to add your stamp or style on-to your business card as I said it's your first impression and you want to make it memorable or stand out against a whole stack of others.


Master Business Designing Multan

Master Business Designing Multan

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